Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Finding things you need on Craigslist

I've discovered that Craigslist has become a great tool for getting things I need for my yard.  Sometimes I get lucky and someone posts a free ad near me.  There are times I can negotiate a price down so that I get a great deal and other times I just post an ad in the wanted section for whatever I need.  I've received many items free or a lot cheaper than retail prices.  If there's an expensive item I need, I'll sell other items and save the cash to buy the needed item.  Right now I've saving for a reliable weed eater/trimmer.

Another online resource that I've found very beneficial is freecycling. has a network of cities around the US that people offer items they believe others could use.  You are also able to post wanted ads and I've received many items this way.

I bought this garden cart last week from someone off Craigslist for $20.  It's in great shape and will be extremely helpful moving things around my yard.  I've seen retail prices for these carts anywhere from $70-$150.  I think I got a great deal!  The bricks were posted on the free section and I loaded up the back of my truck.

So far I've used the bricks for a fire pit and as a border for my flower garden.

This flat-free wheelbarrow retails at Lowes for $64 plus tax.  I got it off Craigslist for around $30 in excellent condition.

Big box stores love to jack up prices on seasonal items like rain barrels.  I found this one on Craigslist for around $40.  I've begun using the water from this rain barrel daily when watering my vegetables and seedlings.

I heard about this potting bench from an ad the building had on Craigslist selling benches of different sizes.  I've also found a guy that fixes lawn mowers and yard equipment motors.  A mower I sold recently I originally got for free, he fixed it for $30, and I sold the working mower for $100.  Easy $70 profit!

Trash cans, railroad ties, lumber, pallets, a table, and lots of pots are examples of items that I've got for free on either Craigslist or Freecycle.  There's a lot out there that people don't want and it's great that I can put these things to use instead of them going to a landfill.

What have you bought on Craigslist or received from freecycling?

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